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Can I ask the Rains

JNU Rains. pallav.journo Wikimedia Commons. Can I ask the Rains, to pour over the, Courtyard of my beloved, To speak to her of my heart, To inform her of my restless soul, The same rains which- are pouring over me, She is also at this moment- praising the calmness of them, Smiling at the lush greenery  Can I ask you, the wind, To gently blow near my beloved, To spread the earthy-  smell of my garden, in the courtyard of my beloved O dear seasonal birds, For centuries I have not seen her, I am bound by my discipline, my oath, But you are so free, Do tell her of me. - Pallav 30/06/2022.

Book Press

New Delhi. 30 June: I grew up in a household with a home-library. Our library is three generations old, and maybe the first book was added to it in the mid 1950’s. As per my knowledge, the oldest book that we own is a “Moby Dick” published from London in 1923. (c)Jean-Pol GRANDMONT,  Wikimedia Commons S o I inculcated the habit of “Book Preservation” since early childhood. Many techniques were learnt and matured over time. But at that age also, I realised that the traditional binder shop at the corner of the street was not up to the job. The traditional binders used to put three holes in the book, put a single knot stitching through it and put some cardboard, colourful paper and red coloured buckram (as a spine liner) over it, and the work was done. A great book was spoiled forever. S o I decided to take matters into my own hands. I mastered  traditional book binding, then I moved on to professional book binding, so that I could restore the books to their original form. W ith...

East India Company (EICo).

New Delhi. 29 June: Two great shows by BBC. "BEECHAM HOUSE" and "TABOO"(2017). Both were centred around East India Company.  Under the Auspices of the Sovereign and Senate of England. Image Courtesy: Commons. The Honourable East India Company (EICo) as it was officially called was a trading company started by Merchants of London in 1600 AD. Though it was initially started solely as a company to deal in the exotic goods of the orient; It soon evolved into a Parallel Government holding vast swathes of Geography and controlling own Armies on a near global scale. We can also see the EICo as an extension or Predecessor to the British Empire. Dara Shikoh Library. Image Courtesy : Dr. William Dalrymple. Beecham House, directed by our very own Gurinder Chaddha is the story of an 18th century EICo officer named John Beecham. Mr. Beecham got disillusioned with the life of Company rule and moved to Mughal Delhi to start a business. Full of French Mercenaries, Decline of Mughal...

My Favourite Movies

New Delhi. 28 June: Friends, Here I am sharing some of my favourite movies and serials / series of all time. I will keep editing this list and add new movies to it, as and when I remember. So please keep watching this post. Note- Many movies below, carry the name of the lead actor instead of ‘Director’.  I apologise for that. Kindly note that there are many many Hindi and Foreign Movies that are not part of this list, but these are very close to my heart. I will try to incorporate them too in this list as and when I remember. 1). The Da Vinci Code. 2). Angels and Demons. 3). Inferno (But was not that great than previous two). 4). Overcoat (Il Cappotto, 1952 Italian movie) . 5). The Bicycle Thief. 6). The Bridge of Spies. 7). Young Sherlock Holmes (1985). 8 ). The Goonies. 9). Hocus Pocus (1993). 10). Red Heat (1988). 11). Taken 1, 2 and 3 (Liam Neeson). 12). Unknown (Liam Neeson). 13). Non Stop (Liam Neeson). 14). Back to the Future, Trilogy. 15). Kate and Leopold (Meg Ryan (Act.),...