New Delhi. 17 August: Book Collectors are a very persistent lot. They can wait for decades to get just one book. A single copy of an out-of-print, thus rare book. I myself have waited for nearly two decades to get “Peter the Great” written by Alexei Tolstoy. Buratino. (c) It was the winter of 2001 when I was first introduced to Alexei Tolstoy. I was a kid and we were visiting Allahabad, when I purchased “The Golden Key, or the adventures of Buratino”, a Russian equivalent of Pinocchio. The copy I got was in Hindi, and was a Soviet Print, published from Moscow. Later in 2004, I received another Hindi translation of A. Tolstoy’s “Engineer Garin’s Death Ray”, from “People’s Publishing House (PPH) Delhi. It was translated as “चार दिन की चाँदनी” (Chaar Din Ki Garin's Ray. (c) Chandni, Four Days of Moonlight). It was a sci-fi fiction about Engineer Garin, who had discovered Laser Light. A year later in 2005, I purchased four volumes (out of six) of A.Tolstoy’ Col...